Rev. Sandi Anthony

Interim Co-Pastor

Rev. Sandi Anthony

interim co-pastor

Originally from the Philadelphia area, Sandi was graduated from Shippensburg University and spent her first career as a high school English teacher with positions in both Delaware and Hawaii. She has a younger brother and two sisters.

She and her husband Clint have been married since 1986, and for years she traveled the globe with him for his Army career, living in such far-flung places as Hawaii, the Mojave Desert in California, Washington DC, and Germany.

Sandi felt the call to the ministry many years ago, but could not act upon it until her husband separated from the military. In 2007 Sandi was graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary’s Orlando Campus with her MDiv. Preparing for the chaplaincy, she completed four units of Clinical Pastoral Education through both Tampa General Hospital and Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix. She served as a chaplain on the Beatitudes Campus for seven years. A member of CCOV UCC since 2007, Sandi has frequently filled the CCOV pulpit and is thrilled to be serving consistently now!

Sandi and Clint have one grown daughter, Noelle, and they have a dog and two cats. Her passions are God, family, writing, travel, cooking, swimming, and hiking.

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